Technical Journal

特集 録再ディスク


 PRML detection is necessary for practical use of high-density optical disk drives. However, its adoption has two main problems: how to evaluate reproduced signal quality, and how to optimize the characteristics of equalizers. We have developed a bit error rate (BER) prediction method and an adaptive equalization method minimizing BER, using the evaluation value called SAM. In this report, we explain the principle of each technology, and theoretically derive its implementable algorithm. In addition, we report some experimental results which show that the predicted BER by our method corresponded to the actually measured BER, and that our adaptive equalization method improved the tangential tilt (i.e. the tilt in the direction of light beam scanning) margin.

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ホーム > シャープについて > 技術情報 > Technical Journal > No.22 > 記事